HCTF receives revenue from a variety of sources, using it
to provide funding for conservation projects across
British Columbia. The following represents averages
based on our most recent financial statements.
HCTF receives revenue from a variety of sources, using it
to provide funding for conservation projects across
British Columbia. The following represents averages
based on our most recent financial statements.
HCTF’s largest source of funding comes from a conservation surcharge on freshwater fishing, hunting, trapping and guide outfitting licences sold in BC. The surcharge amount varies for each licence type – see the Hunting Licence Regulation of BC’s Wildlife Act for more information on surcharges on hunting licences, and Schedule C of the Angling and Scientific Regulation section of the Wildlife Act for information on fishing licence surcharges.
You can purchase your Freshwater Fishing licence online using the BC Government’s e-licencing system. 100% of the revenue from freshwater fishing licences goes back into the resource, with the conservation surcharge directed to HCTF and the fee portion provided to the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC.
You can now also purchase a BC resident hunting licence online – please visit the BC government website for details.
One of HCTF’s greatest strengths is our ability to partner with a wide range of organizations to increase both the quality and quantity of conservation work happening in BC.
We fund conservation using licence surcharges, endowments,
and donations.