Ongoing efforts to help two threatened birds in B.C. will get a lift this year. The Province of B.C. has dedicated $257,000 towards projects that support the Northern Goshawk, laingi subspecies (“NOGO”) and the Marbled Murrelet (“MAMU”), to be administered by HCTF.
Proposals are to be submitted through the regular Fish & Wildlife (formerly Enhancement & Restoration) Grant SurveyApply application process. They will then be evaluated according to their alignment with either the NOGO or MAMU Implementation Plans and their respective Implementation Actions – see Actions and Performance Measures tables:
Marbled Murrelet Implementation Plan
Northern Goshawk Implementation Plan
The application deadline for Fish & Wildlife Grants is Friday, November 3, 2023, at 4:30pm PDT.
For questions regarding the NOGO/MAMU funding or Fish & Wildlife Grants, please contact HCTF’s Grants Officer Amy Perkins at or 250-940-3014.

Adult male goshawk captured in the Squamish area. Photo by Melanie Wilson.