Fri, 17 May 2013

A Little Water Goes a Long Way

The six-inch concrete sill at the outlet of Westwood Lake near Nanaimo didn’t look like much, but when James Craig, BC Conservation Foundation fisheries biologist showed HCTF staff the other end of the lake – we were impressed! The additional water storage in the lake as a result of the sill construction was just enough to maintain year-round flows in the outlet stream that was previously dry most of the year. It now has the potential of supporting cutthroat trout and coho salmon.

This is the third HCTF project evaluation that HCTF staff have carried out this spring. East Coast Vancouver Island Water Storage Feasibility was a 5-year project completed in 2011-12. Project leader James Craig explained the goal of the project was to look at streams and lakes at various sites on the east coast of Vancouver Island to determine how to improve flows for fish habitat. Most of the work was behind the scenes, working with landowners, water licensees, local governments and other stakeholders to resolve the administrative and regulatory barriers to ensure there is enough water for fish. This kind of project takes diplomacy and perseverance on top of the fisheries expertise – thank you, James, for using these skills on behalf of fish conservation in BC.

Thu, 9 May 2013

Silver Award Winners Recognized at BC Nature AGM

The HCTF Silver Award being presented to representatives from Bird Studies Canada

Two outstanding HCTF projects were recognized on May 4th at the BC Nature AGM. YNC’s Nature Clubs Project and Bird Studies Canada’s BC Breeding Bird Atlas project were presented with HCTF Silver Awards for their contribution to conservation in BC.

The Nature Club’s project connects children with the outdoors by encouraging natural discovery by providing engaging activities, events and resources, including explorer days led by local naturalists, NatureWILD Magazine, and the Action Awards program. The Silver Award was presented to the YNC as the top project in the Stewardship category, and was accepted by YNC’s Executive Director Kristine Webber. Read more about the Nature Club’s Project in our Project Profiles>>

The Breeding Bird Atlas project unites the wildlife-watching community with management agencies, biologists, guide-outfitters, industry, academics and naturalist organizations to fill knowledge gaps critical to the conservation of this province’s breeding birds. This project was the Silver Award winner in the wildlife category, and was accepted by Anne Murray, the BC Nature representative on the Atlas Steering Committee and Christopher Di Corrado, BC Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator.

The Silver Awards were created back in 2006 by HCTF’s Board of Directors in celebration of the Foundation’s 25th anniversary, and in recognition of their recently retired CEO, Rod Silver.

They are awarded annually to the HCTF projects considered to have made the greatest contribution to conservation and that best exemplify the objectives of the Foundation.

Mon, 6 May 2013

Man of the Year

Rod Silver (left) fresh from a well deserved holiday in the sun receives the Barsby Trophy from Ed Mankelow, Past President of the BC Wildlife Federation (and himself a past winner of the Barsby Trophy).

Saturday, April 27th was a very special day when one Roderick Sterling Silver was the deserving recipient of the BC Wildlife Federation’s Barsby Trophy. The trophy is the greatest honour the BCWF can bestow on an individual for their outstanding contribution to conservation in British Columbia over many years. Rod’s nomination was supported by many conservation leaders from across BC who personally attested to his quiet but pervasive influence in many historical and ongoing projects that continue to benefit BC’s fish and wildlife heritage, not least of which were his years as the Manager of the then Habitat Conservation Trust Fund and, since his retirement, in his current role as a Director of the Nature Trust of British Columbia.

Rod’s name has been added to a long list of previous winners – and he’s in very good company. Past Barsby Trophy winners include Ian McTaggart-Cowan, Bert Brink, Otto Langer, Peter Larkin, Ralph Shaw, Don Robinson and many more. Congratulations Rod!




Fri, 26 Apr 2013

HCTF Announces $6 Million for Community Conservation Grants

HCTF is proud to announce that it will provide over $6 million in grants this year to protect BC’s fish, wildlife and habitats.

The list of 2013-14 grant recipients was officially released at the BC Wildlife Federation’s AGM. 139 enhancement and restoration projects will be funded, led by some of the province’s top fish and wildlife experts.

“This money is critical to conserving and managing the diverse range of habitats and species that make BC special,” said Harvey Andrusak, Chair of the Foundation. “Without these grants, much of the critical conservation work happening around the province simply couldn’t get done.”

Since its beginnings in the early 80s, HCTF has contributed over $145 million to conservation projects, and estimates the resulting partnership investments to be worth an additional $400 million.

Some highlights include:

  • Burrard Inlet Restoration Project: the 2007 oil spill in the Burrard Inlet resulted in a $447,000 court award being directed to HCTF as part of the increasing movement towards using creative sentencing in cases involving environmental infractions. HCTF will invest this money into a number of projects working to restore and enhance estuarine, intertidal, and riparian habitats of the Inlet 
  • Over $700,000 has been committed to projects increasing angling opportunities, including the Learn to Fish program, lake aerator installation and dock placement.
  •  Approximately $ 1 million in grants will be provided to projects conserving and enhancing the province’s deer, mountain goat, wild sheep, moose, caribou and elk populations.
  •  Over $250,000 will fund projects focussed on the conservation of non-game species native to BC, such as the endangered Salish sucker and Oregon Spotted Frog.
Wed, 24 Apr 2013

Mission Creek Celebration

Mission Creek

On Tuesday, HCTF had the opportunity to take part in a wonderful event on the banks of Mission Creek in Kelowna, celebrating the recent acquisition of 2.7 hectares of land immediately beside the creek (see video). Working with the MCRI, City of Kelowna, Regional District of Central Okanagan and a cast of others, HCTF is supporting the long term plans to return parts of the heavily-channelized Mission Creek to a more natural state.

Mission Creek was channelized many years ago to control the destructive flooding that was impacting adjacent landowners. What was formerly a sinuous, natural and fish-friendly stream became, in effect, a much straightened “chute”. That straightening helped to solve the flooding problem, but removed important fish habitat.

HCTF has provided $315,000 in funding to purchase some adjacent land from the Casorso family (without whom this project would not be possible) which will eventually be restored to provide critical habitat for native Kokanee stocks. It’s an important first step in a long process, and HCTF is happy to be part of this initiative. For more information on the plan to restore Mission Creek, please visit the MCRI website.