As part of the Provincial Caribou Recovery Program, the Province of British Columbia has contributed $8.5 million dollars to HCTF to establish the Caribou Habitat Restoration Fund. This funding will be used to support your project and additional projects using functional and ecological restoration techniques to restore caribou habitat in BC.
Note that your project has special communications requirements as a result of this funding partnership.
- Your project must recognize funding support from HCTF and the Province of British Columbia in all communications materials:
- Communications materials will contain highly visible logos from both HCTF and the Province of BC. The HCTF logo is available on HCTF’s website. The Province of BC logo can be obtained by sending the following request to MFLNRORD: “As a recent funding recipient of the HCTF CHRF program, I’m requesting a copy of the Ministry logo to acknowledge the financial the support of the Ministry for our project.”
- Communications materials must include the following acknowledgement statement:
“We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development and the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation.”