Mon, 15 Mar 2021

2021-22 Preliminary List of Approved Projects

Project 3-419 - Fraser River Bighorns: Fraser West Disease Assessment and Herd Recovery

A preliminary list of HCTF approved projects for 2021-22 is now available.

2021-22 Preliminary Approved Project List


Projects included on this preliminary list have been approved in principle but may have reduced budgets or funding conditions. Over the next few weeks, all applicants will receive official notification emails including HCTF Board and technical committee comments. For approved projects, these emails will include the grant amount and funding conditions (if applicable). Please note that HCTF staff cannot provide further information to you before the Notifications are issued.

Proponents of approved projects will receive a Conditional Grant Agreement by mail. Please be aware that until both you and HCTF have reviewed, accepted, and signed the Conditional Grant Agreement, there is no confirmation of funding and no legal commitment in place.
Congratulations to all successful proponents! To those applicants who were not funded this time, thank you for your interest. The next opportunity to apply for an HCTF Enhancement and Restoration, Stewardship or Caribou Habitat Restoration Grant will be Fall of 2021 (Deadline: Friday, November 5, 2021).

How are Grant Applications Reviewed?

Each proposal goes through a multi-level, objective technical review process prior to final Board decisions. Proposals are assessed by a primary reviewer and evaluated by a technical committee prior to being sent to the HCTF Board for final funding decisions. For more information on what these reviewers look for when evaluating a proposal, see our Grant Review page.