Tue, 4 Mar 2014
Tags: Wildlife

Natural Allies

Robin Annschild of the Salt Spring Island Conservancy explains how working together with their local Rod & Gun Club has turned out to be a win-win situation.


Listen to anyone speak about the good ol’ days of conservation in this province, and it will quickly become apparent how much things have changed. Though environmental pressures have increased, stable sources of funding have become increasingly hard to come by. From land conservancies to stewardship groups, organizations have had to find ways of doing more with less, requiring increased resourcefulness, innovation and formation of partnerships beyond traditional allies. The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) had the opportunity to talk with Robin Annschild, Conservation Director of the Salt Spring Island Conservancy, about how her organization is doing just that, to the benefit of everyone involved.

Robin, over the past 3 years, the Salt Spring Island Conservancy (SSIC) has managed to secure an impressive amount of habitat, but I’m told there’s far more work to be done. Why is land securement so important on Salt Spring?

Salt Spring lies within the Coastal Douglas Fir zone–the rarest ecosystem in the province with the highest number of species at risk. Over 50 rare or endangered species have been found on the Island, but only a small percentage of its most valuable habitats are protected. There are tremendous pressures on undeveloped lands as the population continues to grow. The large percentage of private ownership here combined with high land values means that conservation activities on Salt Spring really centre around working with landowners to find ways of protecting the ecological values on their lands, through stewardship activities, covenants, or transfer of property to our organization by way of donation or sale.

Beyond the obvious hurdle of finding funds for land purchases, what are some of the challenges in working with landowners to secure conservation lands?

Whether we’re acquiring land through donation or purchase, there’s an incredible amount of work and expertise required. Finding money is always an obstacle: the scarce amount of funding available for conservation makes purchasing land something we can do on only a very limited basis, but it also restricts our capacity to work with landowners to receive donations. It’s a huge decision to part with a piece of property you’ve held for decades, and, in the case of an ecological donation, the process can be complex. Demographics suggest that the next couple of decades are going to present a lot of opportunities for securement of conservation properties, and one of the limiting factors is going to be that finite capacity among conservation agencies to support and receive those lands. It’s going to be increasingly important for organizations to join forces across sectors and scales to achieve the maximum possible conservation impact.

Speaking of joining forces, the SSIC has been around for a while now, but it’s only in the last year that you began working together with the Salt Spring Rod & Gun Club. What finally prompted your two organizations to get together?

HCTF! In response to this need for capacity, HCTF provided funding to cover staffing costs during the acquisition of the 320 acre Hope Hill Property, which is now known as the Alvin Indridson Nature reserve. In acknowledgement of the fact that HCTF funds come from hunting & angling licence fees, we made the commitment to allow hunting on the property. This was new ground for us. I am really excited about it because of the potential benefit that hunting could have on the Island’s deer situation. There is mounting evidence that an overabundance of deer can have a significant impact on everything from endangered plants to songbird populations, so for us to have a reserve where deer hunting is allowed is almost an ecological imperative.

However, it soon became apparent that we didn’t have the expertise within the Conservancy to manage a hunting reserve, and (naturally) we thought of the local Rod & Gun club. For a while, I had been thinking that it would be great if we had a way to reach out to Rod & Gun, if we could work together somehow, and the HCTF funding provided such an obvious impetus to contact them. I asked one of their board members how he would feel about me making a presentation to the club sometime. He said, “Well our AGM’s coming up, why don’t you come as our guest speaker?”

So they were open to the idea of working with a conservancy?

They were very welcoming. I joined the club before going to make the presentation, and they introduced me as their newest member. The club was very enthusiastic about becoming involved with the management of the nature reserve. And why not? This is really a classic win-win situation: they are providing expertise to fulfill a management need of ours, and by allowing hunting access to the reserve, we are providing a great addition to their club. What’s even more exciting is exploring how this can lead to other opportunities that can benefit both the Rod & Gun Club and SSIC in achieving our stewardship mandates.


Do you have any advice for other Rod & Gun clubs that are interested in getting involved with their local conservation organization?

Start a conversation! Looking back, it’s amazing that it took twelve years before I ever just sat down with a few Rod & Gun members and talked about what our organizations were up to. I think we’re all aware that there are some people who have been burdened by the idea that conservancies and hunters are two different factions that are not on the same team, but we’re really logical allies, if maybe not traditional ones.

One of your program objectives is to publicize your successes. Why do you think this is so important?

Telling these stories and celebrating our successes is essential to helping people realize that they can make a difference. There is such a universal and repetitive message about environmental doom out there. It becomes easy for the general public to feel like there’s nothing they can do in the face of such big problems: it leads to feelings of apathy. Publicizing local conservation successes inspires people to consider what they can do within their own lives, on their own land, and realize that individual contributions can make a huge difference. Whether we choose to make that investment at the level of a local hunting club, conservation agency or community organization, the important thing is that we each commit to doing something: there’s no one else that’s going to come in and fix these problems for us.

Anything else you’d like HCTF contributors to know?

It’s really important for the hunters, anglers, trappers and guides who contribute to the HCTF to understand just how critical these funds are, and how much we can leverage this money for even greater conservation benefit. For example, the grants we received from HCTF allowed us to meet the fund matching criteria for securing funding from the Government of Canada’s Habitat Stewardship Program, which has been critical to our success. HCTF’s $75,000 investment allowed us to bring to conclusion three of the land acquisitions projects we had proposed, plus an additional one, for a total of 192HA of secured land valued at just over $5 M.


Fri, 24 Jan 2014
Tags: Stewardship

Good Neighbours Project Wins HCTF Silver Award

HAT President Pia Archibald and Stewardship Coordinator Todd Carnahan accept an HCTF Silver Award for the Good Neighbours Project


The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation was pleased to present the Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) with a Silver Award for the Good Neighbours Project at their AGM last Wednesday.

HAT is a land trust operating in Greater Victoria that aims to help citizens better understand and care for habitats within the region. Their Good Neighbours program assists property owners in meeting their land use needs while simultaneously protecting some of Canada’s rarest habitats.

Each year, HAT focuses its outreach services on a different region of Capital Regional District. Their engagement of neighbours and students in science-based demonstration projects benefits local ecosystems and creates lasting networks within communities.

The HCTF Silver Award is just the latest accolade for Good Neighbours Program – it has also won a CRD Ecostar Award. For more information on this program and how you can become involved, visit HAT’s website


HAT Millstream Good Neighbours Project


Fri, 6 Dec 2013

News Coverage of Delta Farmlands Project

Global News BC ran the following story on HCTF Project #2-349, the Provision of Waterfowl & Raptor Habitat within Managed Grasslands on Lower Fraser River Farmland. The Foundation has contributed over $150,000 to this project, which encourages farmers to plant their fields with winter cover crops and create grassland set-asides. These programs are designed to simultaneously benefit farmers and wildlife by improving soil conditions while creating habitat. Winter cover crops provide a valuable food source for migratory birds, and grassland-set asides support small mammal populations and create raptor hunting grounds. Earlier this year, HCTF did an evaluation of this project, which you can read about here. You can find out more about the Winter Crop Cover and Grassland Set-asides programs by visiting the Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust website.


Fri, 19 Apr 2013
Tags: Wildlife

HCTF Staff Visit Delta Farmland Project

A flock of snow geese land in Ladner.

HCTF staff may be coming to a project near you!

On April 12th, Lynne Bonner and Jane Algard visited Ladner to do a project site evaluation on the “Provision of Waterfowl and Raptor Habitat within Managed Grasslands on Lower Fraser River Farmland” project. Christine Terpsma of the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust took us on a tour of farmlands that are under stewardship agreements in the Ladner/Delta area near Vancouver. HCTF funding ensures local farmers plant winter cover crops (for waterfowl) and grassland set-asides (for raptors) to provide a diversity of habitats for wildlife.

We saw the evidence of success: some winter cover crops were eaten down to bare ground, we spotted a number of hunting northern harriers in the set-asides, and hundreds of snow geese landed in a field next to us. As an added bonus – we sighted three snowy owls! Thanks Christine, for your time and your enthusiasm for wildlife conservation.


Thu, 31 Jan 2013

HCTF & Citizen Science Helping Nature

Youngsters all over B.C. are watching butterflies this summer.They’re learning which plants the different species of butterflies prefer, and in the process, they’re learning about nature and the intricate web that ties plants, animals, birds, insects and aquatic creatures together.

Their photographs of the colourful butterflies resting on the plants they are attracted to, will be sent in to UBC student Heather Kharouba, who is working on a PhD thesis investigating what butterflies in B.C. are feeding on.

“It gets them noticing the world around them,” explains Kristine Webber, executive-director of the Young Naturalists’ Club of B.C., while helping in field research for a worthwhile scientific project. “It also gets them thinking about the career potential for conducting such investigations,” she adds.

“I imagine the Butterfly Project will be popular. They’re elusive, colourful and fun,” she notes. It’s also an opportunity for youngsters to learn about the butterfly’s stages of life and metamorphosis, which can then be applied to some other insects and lead to questions about other natural cycles. The importance of some plants to particular life cycles of the butterfly gives youngsters an opportunity to learn how vital such links are in the world of nature, and why it’s important we don’t eradicate native plants on which insects or animals rely.

Webber says they encourage all clubs in the province to get involved in such projects. “Citizen science is important for young naturalists, and it’s even more powerful if they know they’re helping a nature study,” she comments.

There are 1,000 family members involved in YNC and 500 more in groups organized in schools around the province as part of the Nature Clubs in Schools program. Members range in age from five to 14 years of age. “The idea is for families to explore nature together,” Webber explains.

YNC grew from the enthusiasm of an avid member of the Vancouver Natural History Society, Daphne Solecki, founder and current president of YNC. A decade later it had expanded to 30 groups in communities around B.C., and 25 in schools—all part of a network of volunteers supported by a very small program administration staff which provides the skeleton holding it all together. They look after such details as liability insurance, a website and a free quarterly magazine, called NatureWILD, featuring B.C. trees, plants and wildlife, pictures, puzzles, competitions, games, ideas for activities, happenings around the province, letters and drawings from members. In addition, they all receive action awards for activities that help the local environment. Activities include explorer days involving knowledgeable volunteer scientists, birders, rockhounds and others in the community who lead field trips for families to learn more about their natural environment.

“Time spent in nature has incredible benefits in education as well as the science,” notes Webber.

Approval of funding from the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation this year was critical to the continued operation of the YNC, providing stability to the programs and allowing program staff to plan ahead, Webber says. The HCTF exists because hunters, anglers, guides and trappers contribute money towards projects that maintain and enhance the health and biodiversity of this province’s fish and wildlife and their habitat—and toward education about those natural resources. Since 1981, they have contributed more than $130 million through surcharges on their licences, with this funding administered by an independent foundation board of volunteers from around B.C. However, anyone can contribute toward the HCTF and support projects like the YNC with their donations.

To learn more about the YNC program, go to that website at: www.ync.ca