The Wild Schools program is a free, whole-school, three year initiative for K-8 schools supporting outdoor and place-based learning.
An interdisciplinary, curriculum linked program, Wild Schools supports school communities to increase ecological literacy, outdoor field experiences and to build connections to conservation in the community. The Wild Schools program uses hands-on environmental teaching learning strategies to engage learners through a process of Wondering, Inquiring, Learning and Doing—being WILD with BC’s biodiversity.
Goals of the program are to:
- Provide schools with professional development and resources to support environmental teaching and learning.
- Engage schools in outdoor place-based learning to help connect students with nature.
- Foster schools participation in stewardship of BC’s biodiversity.
Deadline: May 1st
Level: Elementary and middle schools in BC
Benefits (per year):
- 10 hours of professional development.
- Free resource and/or funding options.
- Up to 45 hours of WildBC facilitator support.
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