Be WILD (wonder, inquire, learn and do) about nature with our province-wide team of facilitators who deliver workshops, school programs and share their passion for learning, experiencing and caring for the natural world.


WildBC Team

The WildBC team is a network of professional facilitators located around the province. Our team includes knowledgeable and passionate individuals with a wide variety of experiences and skills in education, ecology, biology, natural history, interpretation, teaching, leadership, project-based learning, outdoor learning and communication.

  • WildBC Team Listings
    • WildBC has a diverse network of over 40 professional facilitators across the province. Our team is has a wide variety of expertise and experience in education, ecology, biology, natural history, interpretation, pedagogy, leadership, communication among other areas.
    • Find a facilitator in your area using the WildBC Network Listing (If there is no facilitator in your area, please contact


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