Intake for Capacity Grant applications is now closed.
Notification emails will be sent to applicants in June.
Capacity Grants provide funding to build and strengthen the capability and capacity of organizations to successfully design and deliver conservation or restoration projects. The grant provides funds to support and develop strategies and abilities to initiate actions that benefit fish, wildlife, and habitat conservation aligned with objectives of the HCTF. Capacity Grants assist with the first steps in planning, designing, engaging, or implementing a project.
Goals of the Grant:
In support of our strategic plan, our grant will emphasize the following:
See our “Stewardship Grants: Which Grant is Right For You?” webinar for more info on Capacity Grants and HCTF’s stewardship grant umbrella here.
Eligible expenses up to $25,000. Grant completion must be within 2 years of approval. 80% of the grant will be issued up front and 20% once completed and the final summary of work is submitted.
*Please make sure you add and to your safe senders list.
See the 2024-26 Capacity Grant Recipients here (PDF download).
Note: Projects highlighted in green are funded by the Province of BC and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) through the Caribou Habitat Restoration Fund.
Proponent: Project led by Saulteau First Nations
Description: Lake trout in Moberly Lake have faced multiple threats and cumulative impacts since the 1970s. A partnership between the Province of British Columbia (BC) and Saulteau First Nations (SFN) aims to publish a Moberly Lake Trout Recovery Strategy to gain a better understanding of the total abundance and what methods can be deployed to recover the population. It is important to approach recovery with an informed process to understand the limiting factors facing population recovery prior to taking direct action.
Amount: $22,000
Proponent: Project led by Deering Timber Ltd.
Description: The Cherryville Community Forest Habitat Enhancement Prescription project will complete a feasibility study and project plan to identify and prescribe treatments to enhance mule deer winter range habitat within the Cherry Ridge Community Forest Block. This project will be completed by a consultant on behalf of the Cherry Ridge Management Committee (CRMC), a non-profit that holds and manages the Cherryville Community Forest Agreement with the Provincial Government of BC. The project will include meeting with the CRMC Board of Directors to identify treatment goals and objectives, completing preliminary field surveys, contacting First Nations for consultation and feedback, and creating a detailed prescription that will enable the committee to develop the skills to deliver the project.
Amount: $4,927
Proponent: Project led by Stqeeye’ Learning Society
Description: Stqeeye’ Learning Society is an Indigenous-led non-profit committed to supporting the transmission of Quw’utsun traditional knowledge from our Elders and Knowledge Keepers to our youth. This is accomplished through our land-based education programs and ongoing monitoring and restoration projects at Xwaaqw’um. This project, Hwial’asmut tu tumuhw (Taking Care of the Earth), will support technical training of our staff and engagement activities that further our cultural, conservation and restoration goals.
Amount: $16,875
Proponent: Project led by Nazko First Nation
Description: With large-scale logging, mining, and unprecedented wildfires, our territory has undergone multiple levels of disturbance. Our Community would like to better understand the cumulative impacts of all these activities and events, especially when it comes to one of the most precious values we have: water and fish. Our First Nation Band has very limited capacity to engage with Industry and stakeholders and provide meaningful input on activities and management practices that affect the water and fish resources in our traditional territory. This grant will enable us to hire professionals to help us develop a territory-wide strategy for the management of the water and fish resource to inform how industrial activities should be conducted in the future. Our rivers once boasted millions of salmon and healthy populations of sturgeon, but both species are now listed as endangered or threatened. This, in turn, jeopardizes the ability of our community to access food security and practice our traditions.
Amount: $22,000
Proponent: Project led by Okanagan Nation Alliance
Description: The ultimate goal of this project is to build capacity within organizations and volunteers to collect data that can be applied to conservation and road mitigation strategies near their hometowns. Local organizations and citizen scientists will be engaged and trained in:
Amount: $7,900
Proponent: Project led by B.C. Wildlife Federation
Description: The B.C. Wildlife Federation, in partnership with the Government of Canada, Okanagan Nation Alliance, Penticton Indian Band, Tk’emlups te Sewempemc, Skeetchestn Band and Esk’etemc First Nation, will undertake three large-scale ecological restoration projects, using cultural and prescribed fire treatments, along with other restoration techniques, to restore wildlife habitat in areas where habitat degradation and fire suppression have damaged habitat for species at risk, including American badger and Lewis’s woodpecker, and species of interest, such as mule deer and bighorn sheep. The prescribed burn sites will be monitored for vegetation and wildlife for at least six years after the burn to generate research that will add to Western scientific literature on the benefits of culturally prescribed burns on wildlife and vegetation habitat. This project will engage academics at the University of British Columbia and require trained field technicians and research assistants who will perform the monitoring.
Amount: $10,000
Proponent: Project led by Stswecem’c Xget’tem First Nation
Description: The SXFN Guardians are proposing a project designed to complete an inventory of habitat concerns within SXFN Territory. With the launch of the SXFN Guardians Program, this project has been proposed to develop a database of baseline information that will help guide the program, inform the crews workplan, and create a list of priorities for the future.
Amount: $21,250
Proponent: Project led by Takla First Nation
Region: Omineca-Peace
Description: In 2021, a wildfire burned approximately 13,700 ha on the western slope of the Wolverine mountain range. These mountains are important winter range for the wolverine caribou herd. The Noostel Keyoh – Takla Nation is looking to assess the influence of this fire on caribou use and use alternative stocking standards to compare to natural regeneration to determine appropriate silviculture approach to maximize biodiversity and caribou recovery. The fire was intense and provides a unique study design of natural forest, unburned cutblocks (replanted), burned forest, cutblocks that were planted and burned. The Noostel-keyoh is looking to examine a more holistic approach to replanting that include different species and alternative stocking standards and lichen reestablishment. To do this there is a substantial amount of pre-work needed to foster partnerships with Government, Researchers, Stakeholders and licensees to develop prescriptions that will enhance biodiversity.
Amount: $25,000
Proponent: Project led by Simpcw First Nation
Region: Thompson Nicola
Description: Simpcw is undertaking a supplemental feeding program for the Wells Gray South caribou herd in order to evaluate whether supplemental feeding of caribou contributes to improved body condition, survival and/or population growth. The Project will help to identify whether supplemental feeding is a measure that could be implemented by provinces and jurisdictions as part of their species at risk recovery planning. The program will be completed collaboratively between Simpcw, Simpcw Resources Group, Biodiversity Pathways, Tithonus Wildlife Research with support from the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resource Stewardship (WLRS) branch and Environment Climate Change Canada (ECCC), in the winter of 2023/2024. Following a successful pilot project in the winter of 2022/2023, within the Groundhog herd distribution range, the Project is pursuing funding to support the development of a strategic plan and protocol document to be implemented and followed for the Project; partial funding has already been provided by ECCC for the implementation of field work.
Amount: $23,632
Proponent: Project led by Shuswap Band
Region: Kootenay
Description: This project will build on work previously completed in the SMC tactical plan and desktop road prioritization exercise of the Revelstoke Complex and Central Selkirk Technical Working Group subgroup to support First Nations led planning and strategy development for restoration of habitat, through the removal of linear features, in the Central Selkirks caribou herd area. It will increase the capacity of the Shuswap Band to assess feasibility through field reconnaissance and develop a process for both functional and ecological restoration and timeline for implementation in this area. In turn this habitat restoration will lead to reduced predator access to caribou habitat and increased habitat quality and quantity over the longer term.
Amount: $23,977
Proponent: Project led by Wai Wah Environmental on behalf of the Kitselas First Nation
Region: Skeena
Description: A substantial amount of linear features covers the landscape of the western portion of the Telkwa herd range extent. Desktop research has already been conducted to determine priority features for restoration (Cichowski et al., 2021. See attached Caribou Habitat Restoration Within the Kitselas Traditional Territory; Phase I ) and the proposed project is to field verify restoration validity and develop the associated prescriptions. This is to be Phase I of the Caribou Habitat Restoration within the Kitselas Territory project with the end goal of fully restoring viable habitats.
Amount: $23,731
Proponent: Project led by Williams Lake First Nation
Region: Cariboo
Description: This project aims to train and allow Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN) to partake in wildlife camera survey methods to better understand the wildlife presence and abundance around linear habitat rehabilitation projects in the Eureka Peak and Horsefly Watershed areas, focusing primarily on southern mountain caribou, other ungulates, and predators present within the survey area. Moving forward, this will promote indigenous stewardship opportunities for Williams Lake First Nation.
Amount: $10,000
Proponent: Project led by Okanagan Nation Alliance
Region: Okanagan
Description: To enable involvement of staff with Okanagan Nation Alliance and Okanagan Indian Band in ecosystem restoration and road rehabilitation, workshop, planning, and implementation activities as part of the Revelstoke Complex and Central Selkirk Technical Working Group.
Amount: $10,000
Intake for Capacity Grant applications is now closed.
Notification emails will be sent to applicants in June.
Complete and submit your application using the Survey Apply system once intake opens.
Any questions about the application process can be directed to
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