What are Quality Waters?

Quality waters is a term used by fisheries managers and anglers to describe some of BC’s premier streams for angling. The Quality Waters granting program funds activities such as Angling Management Plans (AMPs), the River Guardian Program, and stock assessments on Classified Waters in BC. A full list of eligible activities is available here.

Where does the money come from?

Funding for Quality Waters projects comes from surcharges on licences to angle and/ or guide on Classified Waters in BC.

To find out more about Quality Waters, the report Investing in Conservation with Revenue Associated with British Columbia’s Quality Waters 1997-2012 is available here.

This program is currently limited to established projects. Application forms are provided directly to proponents for each regional project. For more information, contact Barb von Sacken at or 250-940-3013.

Capital Asset Requests

In order to maximize the on-the-ground impact of every conservation dollar, HCTF will consider requests for capital assets where they are necessary to complete the project and where the cost per asset does not exceed $3,500. This threshold may be lifted in certain circumstances, such as for immobile assets (e.g. cattleguards, aerators, etc.). Please contact HCTF to discuss if you wish to request an asset over $3,500. Note that any asset purchased must only be used for conservation purposes.

  • Ineligible Activities

    •Non-applied Research, such as: Research not related to the increased understanding of population baselines and conservation status of species, and/or Research that does not identify key opportunities for restoration, enhancement, maintenance, or acquisition.
    •Law enforcement activities
    •Fish rearing, farming, stocking, or hatcheries projects
    •Wildlife Rescue Centres
    •Captive breeding and rearing with the exception of activities that are a critical step toward population recovery
    •Feeding of wildlife species with the exception of activities that are part of population recovery projects
    •Control of wildlife species (note that we will consider control of invasive, non-native wildlife species)
    •Salaries for regular government employees
    •Salmon-only projects that do not also bring benefit to freshwater and terrestrial species or habitats
    •Marine projects outside of intertidal and estuary zones
    •Mapping-only projects that are not integral to the development of a larger, eligible HCTF project
    •Development or production of fishing and hunting, tour, or curriculum guidebooks or publication materials
    •Production or sponsorship of commercial programs
    •Stand-alone interpretative services that are not integral to the development of a larger, eligible HCTF project
    •Creation or management of stand-alone electronic databases, websites or file systems
    In special circumstances, HCTF will consider funding these activities or types of projects where they are critical to the outcomes and objectives of HCTF.

  • Conditional Grant Agreement

    For Provincial Government project leaders, HCTF coordinates one agreement with the Province that encompasses all approved Government projects. It is the responsibility of all Ministry project leaders to become familiar with the requirements and conditions of their Conditional Grant Agreement, and they are also encouraged to request and review their specific agreement from Headquarters.

  • Project Change Requests

    The Quality Waters program allows some flexibility for project leaders to make changes to their projects but certain amendments do require pre-approval from HCTF. During the year, a Project Leader may find that one site requires additional expenditures, while other sites may require less. The Project Leader may reallocate up to 30% of their budget between the different sites approved in their proposal, as needed. For re-allocations over 30%, or for sites not approved in the proposal, a project change request form must be submitted to HCTF. Approved funding cannot be reallocated from one Project (region) to another.

  • HCTF Acknowledgement

    The support provided by HCTF must be acknowledged in any publicity issued, printed or distributed, including signs, displays, reports, announcements, articles, press releases, or media interviews. Full information on HCTF communications guidelines and copies of the HCTF logo are available here.

Report forms are customized for each project and will be provided to project leaders in late February or early March. Report forms are due by April 15th each year.

Submitted Program Summary Reports

Each project funded under this program completes an annual report. The most recent summary reports are provided below. For earlier reports, please contact Barb von Sacken at or 250-940-9013.

2023 – 2024 Summary Reports

0-545 QWS West Coast

4-444 QWS Kootenay

5-239 QWS Cariboo

6-268 QWS Skeena

2022 – 2023 Summary Reports

0-545 QWS West Coast

4-444 QWS Kootenay

5-239 QWS Cariboo

6-268 QWS Skeena

2021 – 2022 Summary Reports

0-545 QWS West Coast

4-444 QWS Kootenay

5-239 QWS Cariboo

6-268 QWS Skeena

2018 – 2021 Rollup Report

2018_2021 Quality Waters Summary Report

2020 -2021 Summary Reports

0-545 QWS West Coast Region

6-268 QWS Skeena Region

5-239 QWS Cariboo Region

4-444 QWS Kootenay Region

2019-20 Summary Reports

0-545 West Coast Region

4-444 Kootenay Region

5-239 Cariboo Region

6-268 Skeena Region

2018-19 Summary Reports

0-545 West Coast Region

3-273 Thompson-Okanagan Region

4-444 Kootenay Region

5-239 Cariboo Region

6-268 Skeena Region


Fisheries Project Profiles