The Conservation Lands Operations and Management (O&M) Program provides funding to the Conservation Lands Program of the Province of British Columbia for the management of ministry-administered conservation lands. The program is delivered in partnership with the Nature Trust of British Columbia (NTBC) and Ducks Unlimited Canada (in the South Coast region), including work undertaken on lands leased to the Province from NTBC. Funding for this program is provided primarily through endowment funds given to HCTF by the Province of British Columbia. This program is limited to a specific set of eligible sites and activities.

Submitted Program Applications

The full program application is submitted every three years. The current three-year funding cycle began on April 1, 2019. Program application packages are shared with the public, as per the Endowment Agreement between HCTF and the Province of British Columbia. For copies of earlier applications, please contact Barb von Sacken at or 250-940-3013.

Program Reports

HCTF has from time to time undertaken financial and field review of a selected region within the Conservation Lands O&M program to ensure the program operates within the guiding principles of the program and provides conservation benefits on the ground. The most recent report is available here:

BC/TNTBC Joint conservation Land Management Program Evaluation Report – April 2020

BC/TNTBC Joint Conservation Land Management Program Evaluation Report – June 2018

The proponent under this program is the Province, who submits an application jointly with the Nature Trust of BC. Representatives from both organizations work together on regional applications to submit to the provincial Project Leader for final submission to HCTF.

Application packages and instructions are submitted directly to regional project leaders.

Capital Asset Requests

In order to maximize the on-the-ground impact of every conservation dollar, HCTF will consider requests for capital assets where they are necessary to complete the project and where the cost per asset does not exceed $3,500. This threshold may be lifted in certain circumstances, such as for immobile assets (e.g. cattleguards, aerators, etc.). Please contact HCTF to discuss if you wish to request an asset over $3,500. Note that any asset purchased must only be used for conservation purposes.

Eligible Activities List

Please review the Eligible Activities List for information on the specific activities that are eligible under this program. If you are uncertain whether an activity is eligible, please contact Barb von Sacken at or 250-940-3013.

  • Conditional Grant Agreement

    For Provincial Government project leaders, HCTF coordinates one agreement with the Province that encompasses all approved Government projects. It is the responsibility of all Ministry project leaders to become familiar with the requirements and conditions of their Conditional Grant Agreement, and they are also encouraged to request and review their specific agreement from Headquarters.

  • Project Change Requests

    HCTF must be contacted for a project change request if you wish to re-allocate funds for a single activity requiring more than 30% of your regional budget or $15,000, whichever is lower. For example, there may be a site where a derelict barn has been deemed a safety hazard and requires demolition at significant expense. A project change request is required if the barn demolition was not planned and not in the budget for that site and if it requires more than $15K or 30% of the total regional budget.

    A project change request is also required if you wish to spend funds at an eligible site where a property/complex plan was not included in the 2022-2025 approved application package. An updated plan must be submitted as part of the project change request, even if funds have been spent at the site in previous funding cycles.

    Please contact the Project Coordinator, Barb von Sacken if you wish to complete a project change request, and the form is provided here.

  • HCTF Acknowledgement

    The support provided by HCTF must be acknowledged in any publicity issued, printed or distributed, including signs, displays, reports, announcements, articles, press releases, or media interviews. Full information on HCTF communications guidelines and copies of the HCTF logo are available here.


The Conservation Lands O&M annual project report is due to HCTF by April 30th each year. Regional project leaders must submit to the provincial Project Leader approximately a week prior to this final deadline.

Report forms and instructions are circulated to regional project leaders in March and are provided with a specific deadline for that given year. Please contact Barb von Sacken at or 250-940-3013 if you have any questions on reporting or require copies of your forms.

Submitted Program Summary Reports

Each region funded under this program completes an annual report. Each region’s summary report is shared with the public, as per the Endowment Agreement between HCTF and the Province of British Columbia.

2023-2024 HCTF Conservation Land Management Summary Report

2022-2023 HCTF Conservation Land Management Summary Report

2021-2022 HCTF Conservation Land Management Summary Report

2020-2021 HCTF Conservation Land Management Summary Report

2019-20 HCTF Conservation Land Management Summary Report

2018-19 HCTF Conservation Land Management Summary Report

2017-18 HCTF Conservation Land Management Summary Report

2016-17 HCTF Conservation Lands Management Summary Report

2015-16 HCTF Conservation Lands Management Summary Report

2014-15 HCTF Conservation Lands Management Summary Report

2013-14 HCTF Conservation Lands Management Summary Report


Conservation Lands O&M Project Profiles